4V 4N.m Heavy Duty Lithium-Ion cordless screwdriver Ingco Brand CSDLI0402
4V 4N.m Heavy Duty Lithium-Ion cordless screwdriver Ingco Brand CSDLI0402

4V 4N.m Heavy Duty Lithium-Ion cordless screwdriver Ingco Brand CSDLI0402

Price: 1,812.00 - 1,812.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

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Product details

4V 4N.m Heavy Duty Lithium-Ion cordless screwdriver Ingco Brand CSDLI0402
Hex Shank:1/4″
No-load speed:
Integrated work light
Charge level indicator
With 10pcs 25mm Cr-V
With 1pcs magnetic bit

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